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The death of a loved one is difficult for everyone. In the Cowbridge Ministry Area we are here to help you with the funeral service arrangements. We can officiate at funerals in one of our churches and crematoria or burial grounds.
An Anglican, or Church in Wales, funeral service centres around a message of God’s love and the hope that people go to Heaven when they die – a place free from pain and suffering.
As well as expressing hope of new life in Heaven, Anglican funeral services also include funeral prayers, funeral hymns and Bible readings to comfort those who are grieving.
More information can be found by following this link.
To make arrangements for a funeral, please contact the Parish Office or one of the clergy: Contact us
Merciful Father, hear our prayers and comfort us;
renew our trust in your Son,
whom you raised from the dead;
strengthen our faith
that all who have died in the love of Christ
will share in his resurrection;
who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
(from the Church in Wales funeral service)